Recipe: Lemon Mousse
Lemons, lemons, lemons, everywhere…..and oranges! It’s the season in the valley for citrus fruits, and oranges and lemons are seemingly available in 5kg bags at every roadside finca, restaurant and bar. Actually, on our walk yesterday, we even did our own bit of scrumping, but keep that quiet…
So, we may as well make the most of the local supplies and as we have a friend coming for dinner this evening, I thought it would be an idea to knock up a few lemon mousses. Really simple, but delicious, particularly after a winter-warmer of a main dish.
4 eggs, separated: yolks in one bowl, whites in another
150g sugar
Juice of 1 lemon
Grated zest of half a lemon
Place the egg yolks in a heat resistant bowl with the sugar and the lemon juice, and whisk them together thoroughly.
Put water in the bottom of a pan and bring it to a gentle simmer then place the bowl containing the sugar, egg yolks and lemon juice over the simmering water. Make sure that the bottom of the bowl does not touch the boiling water. Gently whisk the mix in the bowl for 15 minutes - boring, I know, but it’s a great time to think about all the other things you could be doing. After around 10 minutes, you will notice the mixture beginning the thicken and the quantity will have doubled in size. After 15 minutes, the mixture will have the consistency of thick double cream, or custard. Remove it from the heat and allow to cool. At this stage, stir in the grated lemon zest.
While the yolk mix is cooling, whisk the egg whites in a separate clean bowl until the whites have doubled in size and stiff peaks form.
Fold the whisked egg whites into the yolk mixture a table spoonful at a time, ensuring that it all gets incorporated.
Spoon into ramekins, small serving bowls, champagne glasses or any other vessel you fancy. This mix will make around 6 servings. Before serving, you can place a very small mint leaf on each, or a twist of lemon zest. Easy!
Easy peasy lemon squeezy!