2 South of Granada logo 2021SQ.jpg
The First Week

The First Week

Well, actually, we have been here for just over a week now but I thought it might be a good idea to just have a quick review and a look forward, and to share first impressions of our life in rural Spain:

  1. On the face of it, we have already achieved a lot!  Andrew is working extremely hard on his design website, and it is looking great - http://www.andrewwatsondesigns.com.  He’s also taking part in Inktober once again, and you can keep up with these via Instagram (@awatsonone) or via his News section http://www.andrewwatsondesigns.com/news/2016/10/10/inktober-2016 
  2. I have ‘set up’ my little recording studio and am managing to churn out Classical on The Wireless and send it all across to the production team in London - http://www.thewirelessradio.com/shows/classical/ 
  3. We have a joint Spanish bank account!  The efficiency with which this has been dealt with has been exemplary.
  4. We have just enrolled in ‘intensive’ Spanish lessons in Granada: 5 weeks, and 5 mornings every day for those 5 weeks.  We start next week!  Hopefully, some 100 hours of intensive, small-class tuition will give us some solid basics, and we can then return to classes in the New Year to embed our new-found skills!
  5. Local shops and supermarkets have some delicious ingredients and the prices are SO low;  good wine can be bought for less than €3 per bottle, and we have sampled a few varieties already.  We have cooked most of our dinners and resisted the temptation to keep dining out.  It is too pleasant being in our own home……we did hit Granada on Saturday night, it has to be said…
  6. Local people are lovely - in Durcal this morning, our nearest small town/larger village, we were trying to find a photography shop that could produce ID photographs, and when we asked for directions in another shop, one of the customers actually walked us to the right place!  We discovered that we liked Durcal, having bought a rather delicious palmera from the local pasteleria.
  7. We’ve been on a road trip to the coast and back across the mountains, taking in some spectacular scenery.
  8. We’ve (almost) unpacked everything.  Why are there always 2 rogue boxes containing tut thatyou never quite know what to do with?
  9. We have never been tempted to watch TV; we have read books, and listened to music and slightly weird Spanish radio.  We have drawn and painted.  We have taken walks in the surrounding countryside.  We have, of course, enjoyed the occasional gin and tonic….and Twiglets.
  10. Tomorrow, we venture out to obtain our NIE numbers!  Admin stuff…..
  11. The flies can do one….
Best Laid Plans...

Best Laid Plans...

